Testimony of a Soul

Philosophy is the foundation of all things man has ever built from the beginning of time. Not only monuments or buildings but also the control systems among people. Such as the democratic system, socialism.. etc. To make the people believe in what some great people see, they should be pushed to see the big picture clearly with facts. Such facts can make a huge difference in the thought process of a person and can make his life choices different in every way.

As I said everything can be altered with proper rational reasoning, so is the caring of one towards another. We can call that the testimony of a soul. 

Talking about a soul, you should probably wonder that what is this has to do with the logical process of testimony. Well, everything of it is connected to reasoning in all ways. Speaking in a literal manner, a soul can be referred to as the dearest self of a person, which is the most precious thing someone can offer as a symbol of themselves. As such, if we put ourselves forward for someone dearest to us, we offer our sol to them in exchange for theirs. This is often called love. 

The Testimony of Love

When talking about love and testimony, there is no limit to the range of examples we can take to this topic. Because love is not only limited to girlfriend - boyfriend or husband-wife love is for everyone. The first love we experience is from our parents from our childhood. Then as we grow older, we make friends who love us and also we find lovers and spouses, they also cherish us with their love. The definition is not limited here. As God says in the Holy Bible "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself", He also means that by showing affection and love towards each other everyone can spend a very happy and joyful life. Not only God but also every other teacher in many religions talk about caring for each other makes survival much easier for people.

This is the testimony of love. Love can be a very powerful weapon that can defeat the evil that makes our lives miserable. 

What is Testimony?

As a definition to testimony, as I did earlier providing evidence as statements that can support our belief in a rational manner is the Testimony. A testimony is supported with reasons and the reasons should be stated in a rational manner to make our point understandable from every aspect.

This is the ultimate meaning of testimony.