Let's Raise Our Voice Against Sexism


Hello everyone, today I brought to you a very important topic that has arouse many conflicts among many groups of people. Like racism and many other things, sexism acquires a very high place. So to be clear, first let's talk about how this very lowly concept came to life.

What are Sex and Gender?

As these words seem to have the same meaning, they are 2 different words based on the context. Sex is a label that is given to someone at the birth base on their genetic information, XX or XY chromosomes. If a person has XX chromosomes as their 23rd pair in the nucleus. Based on the fact, a person can be male or female. This is printed on your birth certificate. 

Gender, on the other hand, is an expression of oneself. It is much more complex than sex. Gender is a social and legal status, and a set of expectations from society, about behaviors, characteristics, and thoughts. Each culture has standards about the way that people should behave based on their gender. This is also generally male or female. But instead of being about body parts, it’s more about how you’re expected to act, because of your sex.

What Is Sexism?

Well to be fair, sexism is a very interesting and deep topic. Because various people may have various opinions on the subject matter. Basically, sexism is the concept that signifies one gender over the other. Or in some cases, others. It's like males are greater than females at everything and females represent an insignificant character in society. 

To be fair this concept has its truths and also faults. Well in biologically speaking a woman is made for some things and not for others. Such as some studies showed that in taking quick and accurate decisions, men are more capable than women. This may be the main point of the parties that are with sexism. Sexism doesn't only influence females but also sometimes men are also looked down in some aspects.

Sexism is the main influence on other concepts like feminism. Feminists imply that men are no better than women and women can do everything that a man can do. Well, this has both upsides and downsides. A woman should have her rightful place in society, and a man should be manly enough to give her that place. But this does not mean that women should take an equal place as men. This could be a very conflicting matter, but there are things that a man is better at than a woman. This also works in both ways. 

In the holy bible, when God created Eve, Adam said,

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh : she shall be called Woman [heb. Isha], because she was taken out of Man [heb. Ish].

Like that, a woman should receive her rightful place in society and a man should respect her as it is.