When we see all these inventions and all these discoveries made, we think about how on earth did these things found. The thing is they all may be already there, just laying around, no one noticed until that someone arrives. That someone saw something that all of the others didn't. That one person is called a Scientist.

Too many people as the old days, how he saw those or how he has found this could be a mystery, and some people may call this person a witch or something. But he may be the savior of the whole humankind. As to whom may be wondering what path did he took in finding these discoveries, is the process called the scientific method.

Throughout the course of philosophy of science, we have been taught that we could be anything or we can create anything with a solid understanding of what is happening in day-to-day life and expressing arguments on certain incidents. out of all these learning criteria, the one I felt the most is the Scientific Method and the process of getting to a conclusion through hypotheses, ideas, and deductions. So as the final article of the course itself, I have decided to make my signature on this particular topic.

What is Scientific Method?

Well, the scientific method is more of a process rather than a method to follow. It consists of many stages of processes. The most preliminary stage of all is the observation stage. Observations taken by people are the key to new discoveries. They all begin with a single non-significant observation. Like falling fruit, When the observations are taken, the ideas on how this is happening are presented. these are called Hypotheses. And then the hypothesis is tested for results. These tests can be conducted varying many variables. After many controlled experiments, a conclusion may be born. The conclusion is the best hypothesis that explains the phenomenon.


Hypotheses are simply ideas based on the belief of the person. a hypothesis isn't necessarily correct or makes sense. It should explain the incident in detail. the best theory that explains the phenomena or the observations is the winning one and after several tests to confirm, it will be a conclusion. As previously said, we make ideas on how certain phenomena happen according to our knowledge. These ideas are called Hypotheses. Hypotheses are not quite true or they do not quite explain this happens because of this. But they form the foundation of the thought process. Only through hypotheses, we can arrive at a solid conclusion. This process is called testing hypotheses

Because a research hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction of what to expect in a study, you can use that theory to extract hypotheses from previously published research. A good research hypothesis requires more effort than simple assumptions. In particular, your hypothesis can begin with a question that could be further explored through background research.

Testing the Hypotheses

This is the most valued and most necessary process in the whole idea of the scientific method. Testing Hypotheses include changing certain variables/factors and testing to make sure we can obtain the first result after.
Hypothesis testing is a statistical process in which an analyst tests an assumption about a population parameter. The methodology used by the analyst depends on the type of data used and the reason for the analysis. Hypothesis tests are used to check the plausibility of a hypothesis against sample data. Such data can come from a larger population or a data generation process.


The conclusion is the end result of the process. among various ideas and hypotheses to explain the incident, after all of the hypotheses are tested, the one hypothesis that explains best how the incident would take place is the Conclusion. The conclusion is the end result of the scientific process. Afret obtaining test results from tests, the results are tested again for inconsistencies and doubts. After all the tests are finished, the result obtained (The conclusion ) will become a Law or aTheory depending on the nature of the conclusion.

So in conclusion to all the things discussed so far, if we take a quick look back, The scientific method is a great process and a lot of hard work and dedication is required to make some outcome of this method. This is the main reason that my favorite topic of all the time is this Scientific process.

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